Monthly Archives: April 1999

Small Remains Beautiful

MONEY MANAGEMENT Small-cap stocks may have underperformed blue chips for years, but fund managers are pulling in assets faster than ever. by Alyssa A. Lappen Institutional Investor | March 1998 WARNING: This file is for the reader’s personal use only. … Continue reading

Brinson loses his reign

The ultimate upshot at UBS of Brison Partners’ sale to Swiss Bank by Alyssa A. Lappen Institutional Investor | Apr. 1, 1999 Vol. 33, No. 4, p. 13 484 words All Articles, Poems & Commentaries Copyright © 1971-2021 Alyssa A. … Continue reading

Small remains beautiful

MONEY MANAGEMENT Small-cap stocks may have underperformed blue chips for years, but fund managers are pulling in assets faster than ever by Alyssa A. Lappen Institutional Investor | Apr. 1, 1999 Vol. 33, No. 4, p. 45 3,900 words All … Continue reading