Category Archives: Letters

Letters and replies

The Anti-Defamation League’s Flat-Footed, Off-Key Shouter

An open letter to the head of the ADL, denouncing his condemnations of those who see Sharia as a threat to American values and liberty. by Alyssa A. Lappen Family Security Matters | Aug. 18, 2011 Dear Mr. Foxman, For … Continue reading

What has happened to the Anti-defamation league?

Is opposition to sharia a social crime? by Alyssa A. Lappen Family Security Matters | Mar. 31, 2011 ADL now supports sharia. How can any supporter of civil rights defend the introduction of such barbaric “law” into the United States? … Continue reading

Lars Hedegaard acquittal

Danish Ambassador to the U.S. Sir — This afternoon I happily and thankfully received news of the acquittal of Lars Hedegaard, for the wrongly alleged crime of hate speech. This is a definite step in the correct direction. Nevertheless, … Continue reading

Why does Denmark prosecute truth tellers?

Jan. 19, 2011 Danish Ambassador to the U.S. Sir — I am extremely alarmed with the public prosecution of Lars Hedegaard, a leading Danish columnist, and MP and pastor Jesper Langballe, for alleged crimes of “hate speech.” Apart from … Continue reading

Uprooting jihad

Letters to the Editor Washington Times | 11 July 2007 In his letter “The roots of terror” (Monday), Chuck Woolery claims that we misrepresented the “root” causes for Muslim suffering. Yet, “[t]he repression, suffering and death of hundreds of millions … Continue reading


Feb. 22, 2007 | The Pedestal Magazine Dec. 22, 2006 Dear John– I’m disappointed with TPM‘s interview of Naomi Shihab Nye, who on the one hand claims to have a secular Muslim father, a former Lutheran mother (both “ecumenical, open-minded … Continue reading